Sunday, June 29, 2008

5 months old!!

I'm officially 5 months old today! Hmm... What have I achieved so far? Well, I can turn over on my back and still learning to turn the opposite way. I can grab objects, mummy's hair and papa's spectacles. I have my own blog, I think I can play the keyboard and I've started to eat puree now.

Oh yes, talking about eating. Mummy made puree for me yesterday using porridge and milk. It is tasty though.. I like it!! But I look so funny while learning how to eat...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

No (h)air... (h)air....

I'm gonna be 5 months old in 4 days time. Going to be a big girl soon. But everytime I look at other babies, especially those younger than me, I notice something different about them. Hmm... yes, they have more hair than me! Grr.....

Why until now I still have not much hair? The answer is because I've inherited my papa's gene. He was bald until he was 2 years old!!! Do I really have to wait until I'm 2???

I've heard a lot of traditional remedies. My ah chor suggested to take a piece of pork (those big juicy sam-chan bak) and rub it on my head while my ah pek said to use brandy to wash my head. Eee... Hope my parents don't listen to their suggestions!!

Anyway, hair or no hair, I'm still cute, right? :p


Sunday, June 22, 2008

I don't like milk?

Went to the lake garden opposite Amcorp Mall this evening. Really enjoy it. First time saw a fountain, flowers and trees. Unfortunately, it rained.
Recently I got scolded by mummy quite frequently for not finishing my milk and refuse to drink milk during feeding time. Mummy says I should not be wasting as formula milk is quite expensive nowadays. Then she starts nagging me about African babies with not enough to eat....

"Yum! Yum!"

Do I really don't like my milk?? No lah, it's just that I drink something else when they are not looking!!

"This is even better!!"

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My 1st piano lesson!

I'm playing a keyboard today!!! Am I clever???? :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Itchy gums....

I dunno why I like to suck my hand and fingers lately. I think it's because of my itchy gums but still I got scolded from my mummy everyday.... But papa thinks it's cute!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Papa's Day!!!

It's Father's Day today. Papa, "HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!". My papa is on-call today, but he came back for lunch. Mummy gave him a new watch as a present. I give my papa lots of love!!

"Happy Father's Day!"

"Present for papa from Chloe and Mummy"

Went for a wedding dinner last Friday in Overseas Restaurant, Hotel Armada. We were the last guest to arrive, so malu only!! I was in a bad mood that night coz everyone kept asking "Is the baby a boy or a girl?" Grrr!!!!!

"I'm not smiling coz I'm in a bad mood!"

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sleeping time....

I usually sleep at around 11.00pm but nearly always got scolding from mummy during bedtime coz I don't wanna sleep. It is not my fault coz papa always like to play with me during bedtime. Go scold papa, mummy!!

The things that I need during bedtime:

"My kiam-chai pillow... (Papa just bought me a new one recently)"

"Both plain water and nen-nen.."

"My faithful Mickey Mouse!"

I usually sleep until 7am without waking up at night. Only occasionally thirsty that my papa has to wake up in the middle of the night to feed me water. But I need to sleep with the air-cond switched on and papa always complaining our electricity bill is climbing higher and higher each month. What to do? Hot mah!!!

Gung-gung going back to Alor Star tomorrow. Have to attend a wedding dinner tomorrow night. Yes! Can wear pretty dress!!

"What should I wear for tommorow's wedding dinner?"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Eating semi-solids

My "gung-gung" bought some semi-solid food for me last night. It's my first time eating semi-solids. It was very tasty that I wanted more but everyone was laughing at me coz I don't know how to eat and swallow it. So embarassing!!


I'm currently drinking formula milk. My papa said he used to buy it at RM52 per tin, but currently it costs RM75 per tin!!! This is unbelievable. My mummy said I drink 2 big tins per month which I think costs about RM150 per month. No wonder I always get scolded by mummy whenever I cannot finish my milk!!!

"The only thing I've tasted in my life besides breastmilk and plain water"

Heard papa will be watching Portugal vs. Czech tonight. That's why mummy is forcing me to sleep now. Good night!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Kedah/Kangar Trip

Went back to Alor Star and Kangar last week. "Gung-gung" and "Poh-poh" (paternal grandparents) were so happy to see me. "gung-thai" and "poh-thai" (paternal great-grandparents) were very happy too. "poh-thai" was checking whether I was wearing the leg bracelet she gave me. Luckily mummy remembered!!

Later we go back to mummy's hometown in Kangar. Both "ah-kong" and "ah-mah" were so excited to see me! They hugged and kissed me non-stop.

Actually the reason we went back was my "ah-chors" (maternal grandparents) were having a house-warming party. Their new house is very beautiful and big! We had laksa, char koay teow, ais kacang, nasi bryani that night. Ok, I know I didn't get to eat any of those!! I was basically a model that night, paraded to everyone although I don't know most of them.
The karaoke was very noisy which people who can't sing belted out awful hokkien and siamese songs. Pity my small ears!!

"My ah-kong"

"My mummy and papa.. Do I looked like them? :)"

"My ah chors. Mummy said must be nice to them coz they have paddy fields"

The party ended up very late. I cannot sleep coz it was so noisy. Later that night, I was throwing a tantrum until everyone became so scared and kept quiet. Papa and mummy went back that night to watch Euro 2008 but I think they were up to something else.....

"Ah-mah (left) and goo-poh (right)"

"Ee-poh and Lancy ah kong"

Have to get prepared now. Going to ah pek's house for dinner.....

Monday, June 9, 2008

A new blog is born!!!

Hi! welcome to my blog!!

Finally I manage to start my own blog. Basically this is a blog about my life, about me growing up and about my family. It might be boring to some, but to me it's a perfect portal to share my life with you especially my family members who stay far away.

Just a brief introduction about myself. I was born on the 29 January 2008 in University Malaya Specialist Centre at about 8.15am. My birth weight was 3.4kg which was actually quite big as my mummy is a small-size lady.

"I was just few minutes old. I looked so different!!"

My papa is a doctor while mummy is a housewife. Currently we are staying in PJ. We just came back from Kedah and Perlis few hours ago as my papa's hometown is in Alor Star while mummy is from Kangar. Mummy is forcing me to sleep now. Will update my trip to Kedah and Perlis later when my parents are asleep. That's the only time I can use the computer!!