Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Kedah/Kangar Trip

Went back to Alor Star and Kangar last week. "Gung-gung" and "Poh-poh" (paternal grandparents) were so happy to see me. "gung-thai" and "poh-thai" (paternal great-grandparents) were very happy too. "poh-thai" was checking whether I was wearing the leg bracelet she gave me. Luckily mummy remembered!!

Later we go back to mummy's hometown in Kangar. Both "ah-kong" and "ah-mah" were so excited to see me! They hugged and kissed me non-stop.

Actually the reason we went back was my "ah-chors" (maternal grandparents) were having a house-warming party. Their new house is very beautiful and big! We had laksa, char koay teow, ais kacang, nasi bryani that night. Ok, I know I didn't get to eat any of those!! I was basically a model that night, paraded to everyone although I don't know most of them.
The karaoke was very noisy which people who can't sing belted out awful hokkien and siamese songs. Pity my small ears!!

"My ah-kong"

"My mummy and papa.. Do I looked like them? :)"

"My ah chors. Mummy said must be nice to them coz they have paddy fields"

The party ended up very late. I cannot sleep coz it was so noisy. Later that night, I was throwing a tantrum until everyone became so scared and kept quiet. Papa and mummy went back that night to watch Euro 2008 but I think they were up to something else.....

"Ah-mah (left) and goo-poh (right)"

"Ee-poh and Lancy ah kong"

Have to get prepared now. Going to ah pek's house for dinner.....


Keith said...

wah... so big already...luckily looks like mommy... not daddy
last photo..."lancy????" hmm....

Anonymous said...

ya...chloe big ady lo...
but duno she look like mommy or daddy..
daddy dun 4gt 2 upload more foto ooo...
mayb i wana go kl visit chloe o...hehe!!
love chloe o...miss u...

Anonymous said...

ya...chloe big ady lo...
but duno she look like mommy or daddy..
daddy dun 4gt 2 upload more foto ooo...
mayb i wana go kl visit chloe o...hehe!!
love chloe o...miss u...