Monday, June 9, 2008

A new blog is born!!!

Hi! welcome to my blog!!

Finally I manage to start my own blog. Basically this is a blog about my life, about me growing up and about my family. It might be boring to some, but to me it's a perfect portal to share my life with you especially my family members who stay far away.

Just a brief introduction about myself. I was born on the 29 January 2008 in University Malaya Specialist Centre at about 8.15am. My birth weight was 3.4kg which was actually quite big as my mummy is a small-size lady.

"I was just few minutes old. I looked so different!!"

My papa is a doctor while mummy is a housewife. Currently we are staying in PJ. We just came back from Kedah and Perlis few hours ago as my papa's hometown is in Alor Star while mummy is from Kangar. Mummy is forcing me to sleep now. Will update my trip to Kedah and Perlis later when my parents are asleep. That's the only time I can use the computer!!

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